Crozet Trails Crew

  • Work Day October 16

    Our October work day is coming up! On Saturday, October 16, we will prepare the length of the Crozet Connector Trail for our annual 5K trail run the next Saturday. Meet at 9:00 a.m. at the Trails Crew shed in Crozet Park (directions below). Be prepared to break up into smaller groups that may be…

  • Annual 5K Trail Run and Fun Run


  • Work Day Saturday, August 28

    It’s time to beat back the summer’s growth on the trail from Chesterfield Landing to Lickinghole Creek. We will be using loppers, pruners, string trimmers and maybe a saw or two to widen and freshen up the trail we opened up last fall. We may also work on the beginning of a trail from the…

  • Have You Seen Bigfoot?

    Is it true?  Was Bigfoot spotted on Crozet’s Trails?Yes it’s true!  Can you find him? Some trail users have spotted Bigfoot! Check out their photos. It appears that Bigfoot has left Crozet, but we hope to see him return again! The Find Bigfoot Challenge, sponsored by the Crozet Trails Crew, is a hunt for the…

  • July Has Been a Blast

    This month has been busy and lots of fun for the Trails Crew. We marched in the Independence Day parade and sold beer at the park afterwards. It was disconcerting to sell out a bit after 8:30, but it’s not up to us to buy it – we just serve it up. Then we had…

  • Let’s Have a Party! (updated)

    In March of 2020, the Trails Crew finished a big (well, big for us!) project, when Albemarle County Parks & Recreation asked if we would build an amphitheater at Mint Springs Park. We cleared an area, constructed a small stage, and built rows of bench seating. Just as we finished, the world shut down! We…

  • April with the Trails Crew

    Workday Friday & Saturday, April 16 & 17: Building a Handrail The Trails Crew needs some volunteers to help with a construction project at the entrance to the Dog Park at Crozet Park. There will be two days of work: Friday, April 16 at 9 a.m. to dig the holes using a power auger and/or…

  • March with the Trails Crew

    Work Day Sunday, March 21 We got a great start on improving a muddy area of the trail off Nicolet Court on March 13, but we left the last layer of fine gravel to spread after a rain. We got we asked for, and now we’ll let the sun dry out the dirt part of…

  • January with the Trails Crew

    Sunday Work Day Pruning and Trimming the Perimeter Trail at Crozet ParkOn Sunday afternoon, January 17, the Trails Crew will clear brush and branches from the Perimeter Trail in Crozet Park. If we can get enough people out, this won’t take long, and it will keep the trail clear when regrowth begins in the spring. We…

  • Saturday Work Day: Build a New Trail Behind Sparrow Hill

    On Saturday, November 7 at 9:00 a.m. we will work on the second step of building a trail out toward Chesterfield Landing. In October we cleared a section from the existing trail to Lickinghole Creek. Saturday we’ll walk to the county property below Sparrow Hill and work on extending it on the other side of the creek.…

  • September with the Trails Crew

    Mid-Week Work day:Connector Trail Spruce Up from the ParkAbundant rain in August has encouraged weeds, grass, and brambles on areas we thought we had handled already! On Wednesday, September 9, 9:00 a.m. we will mow, trim, and prune the Connector Trail from Crozet Park to Eastern Avenue. We’ll need people to handle mowers and string trimmers, as…

  • August with the Trails Crew

    Mid-Summer Cleanup Work Day:South Side of Crozet Connector Trail On Saturday, August 1, we will complete our summer maintenance pass of the Connector Trail along the southern side, from Nicolet Court to Jonna Street. We need to mow, use the string trimmers, and prune and lop that section. Given the heat, we will get an early start,…