Work Day October 16

Our October work day is coming up! On Saturday, October 16, we will prepare the length of the Crozet Connector Trail for our annual 5K trail run the next Saturday.

Meet at 9:00 a.m. at the Trails Crew shed in Crozet Park (directions below). Be prepared to break up into smaller groups that may be sent to various sections of the trail with your tools to address specific problem areas. The focus of this work day is to get the trail in its best possible condition – primarily trimming back brambles and branches in places that tend to get overgrown, and using the string trimmer on places the mowers don’t reach.

If we can get a good turnout, this won’t take us too long! Long pants and sleeves recommended, as well as work gloves and a hat. Carry your own water. Bring your own tools or use ours. Don’t forget your bug spray!

Sign up here is optional, but it lets us get in touch with you if we need to make changes due to weather. Come even if you haven’t signed up!

Directions: Enter Crozet Park from Park Road. Take the internal road to the left of the swimming pool to the back of the parking area where the basketball nets are set up. Please park away from the basketball courts so kids can still play. Meet at the small storage shed adjacent to the white Community Center (formerly Radio Building).