In March of 2020, the Trails Crew finished a big (well, big for us!) project, when Albemarle County Parks & Recreation asked if we would build an amphitheater at Mint Springs Park. We cleared an area, constructed a small stage, and built rows of bench seating. Just as we finished, the world shut down!
We haven’t had a chance to celebrate our achievement yet, but that’s changing.
Come to Mint Springs on Sunday, July 18, at 4:00 p.m. for a party and Open House. Learn how our construction project is connected to the Beatles. (Yes, really!) Have some pizza and lemonade. And best of all, get to meet the folks in the Trails Crew and find out how you can help build and improve the lovely Crozet Greenway that’s developing into a treasured natural getaway and a safe, car-free connection among Crozet neighborhoods.
The inaugural act on the stage — Live music provided by the Crozet Jam Band led by Jim Pyles
Everyone is welcome! Bring your own snacks and non-alcoholic drinks if you like. And your calendar, so you can sign up to help on one of our work days. Tell the cashier at the park gate you are attending the Crozet Trails Crew Amphitheater Party and park admission will be waived if you enter at about 4:00. (Doesn’t work for the whole day!)
LOCATION: In Mint Springs Park, drive to the farthest (large) parking lot, you will see the swimming beach to the left. The stage is to the right of the kiosk straight ahead of you in the lot.