Crozet Creamery is hosting a Scoop Night for the CTC bridge fundraising effort on Sunday, March 24 from 5-8 PM. We will receive 25% of the proceeds and all of the tips.
We’ll need a few volunteers to help sell raffle tickets. We are raffling a Pint Lab. The winner gets to design their own ice cream flavor and have six pints made, donated by Crozet Creamery. We are also selling tickets for the beautifully crafted bench, handmade and donated by Jim Mandell. Please sign up if you can help.
We will introduce a new Crozet Trails ice cream flavor.
Anyone who can come eat ice cream and talk up the trails and bridge is encouraged to come and bring your whole neighborhood!
Please contact Leslie (lesliescheuer@icloud.com) if you are a member of a neighborhood social media group and could share a notice about Scoop Night.