March with the Trails Crew

In the last two weeks we have been reconnoitering some of the trails around Crozet we want to work on this spring. We explored the trail from The Meadows to Old Trail Drive and cleared some fallen trees, we’ve looked at where the new Western Park will connect with the Rowcross Trail, and we’ve removed fallen trees and done some pruning on the Creekside Trail. March has two big projects: construction of a stage and benches at Mint Springs Park, and expansion of the graveled surface of the Connector Trail between Eastern Avenue and Crozet Park.

Saturday, March 14: Construction of stage and benches at Mint Springs Park. We had a great turnout in clearing the area in February, now we are going to start putting it together. Details here.

Thursday, March 19:  TO BE HELD VIA VIDEO CONFERENCE. Email for invitation to join. Monthly meeting 6:30-8:00 p.m. Join us to offer your ideas for Crozet trails, or just to get to know a great group of people. Details here.

CANCELLED! Saturday, March 21: Get to know the trails – guided trail walk from Crozet Park to Lickinghole Basin and back. Approximately 4 miles. Details here.
In addition to people who want to discover the trail, it would be helpful to have 2 or 3 folks who are familiar with the route to assist in guiding. Email Terri at if you can help!

CANCELLED! Monday, March 30: WAHS volunteers to work on spreading gravel on the Connector Trail, starting at Eastern Avenue and working toward Crozet Park. We could use a few adult volunteers to help transfer equipment and guide the students that morning. Details here.