Register today and save $5!
Hey runners, walkers, and racers! Today is the last day to register for the Crozet Trails Crew 5k online and save $5. Otherwise, you can register Friday evening or Saturday morning in person for $25. http://crozettrailscrew.org/crozet-trail-days/ Rain or shine, we’ll have a great time!
Come visit the CTC booth!
Hey all! The Crozet Trails Crew will have an informational booth this Saturday at the StarrHIll IPA Jambeereeee. (noon-6pm). There will be beer, music, games, beer, and booths. And beer. Stop by, drink great beer from all around the area, and say Hi to the CTC folks! http://starrhill.com/ipa-jambeeree/
Workday postponed
The Mint Springs workday scheduled for Sunday, January 24th is postponed. New date TBD. Stay tuned and enjoy the snow!
Get yer skis shined up, grab a stick of JuicyFruit
Snowmageddon 2016 is predicted for this Friday. So as not to feel “trapped” by all that snow, go ahead and plan to take a beautiful snowy hike on Friday or Saturday and enjoy the wonders of Crozet shrouded in fluffy white snow. And also plan to come to the “workday” on Sunday at Mint Springs.…
Where’d she go?
I know, I know. I used to be pretty good about keeping this website updated. What happened? This happened: Soon, she’ll be able to hold a shovel and attend workdays. Anyway, I hope you CTC volunteers can make it to the Holiday Party this Saturday and the grand opening of the Crozet Park Dog Park…
2015 5k results:
Overall Place Bib Name Category Age Gender Time 1 367 Steven Rosinski 30-39 30 Male 18:22.8 2 326 Mike Fox 30-39 36 Male 18:39.7 3 391 Michael Dubova 30-39 31 Male 19:48.0 4 399 Stuart Terrill 14 and Under 13 Male 20:52.1 5 319 Ben Combs 15-29 28 Male…
8 days and counting
Hey ya’ll! If you haven’t floated away yet (and hopefully neither have any of our trail bridges!), then I hope to see you next Saturday at the Crozet Trails Crew 5k! The weather forecast for next weekend looks great and we are optimistic about the first non-rainyCTC 5k in 3 years. 🙂 Register here: http://crozettrailscrew.org/crozet-trail-days/about-the-ctc-5k-race/ If you’d prefer…
The things we get excited about
While the rest of the CTC volunteers have been out there conquering the trails, I have been conquering the 5 S’s of baby-raising. Now, with a content and sleeping baby at my side, I find time to update the website. The trails are being whipped into shape in preparation for the upcoming 5k on October…
New trail enthusiast on the way
I have been trying to keep the posts on here up to date– there is always so much happening in the summer on the trails: clearing seasonal vegetation, preparing for the 5k race, volunteering at festivals and events, etc.. This year, there is the added task of growing a new trail-lover: She’s due to make…
2015 Crozet Parade!
Thank you everyone who came out to walk in the parade and watch the parade. Always a great time in sweet little Crozet! Our parade-neighbors and friends, the SK8CROZET team! Lining up. “Are we out of candy yet”? Dan playing the “shovel ready” guitar that he made that day!
Beat the heat by walking the trails early and late
The trails have all been recently cleared by the dedicated (and sometimes insanely-so) Crozet Trails Crew volunteers! The connector trail from Westhall to Western Ridge is clear as is the Western Ridge neighborhood trail (for Western Ridge residents and their guests). The lower Westhall trail is mostly cleared and will continue to be worked on…