This Saturday

The CAMBC workshop originally scheduled for this Saturday has been cancelled. I will keep you posted about rescheduling.

As a substitute, I’d like to offer a “Get to Know the Crozet Connector Trail” trail walk. This is the perfect opportunity for those of you who live on the east side of Crozet and have been curious about the status of the trail/greenway. The Crozet Connector trail is a beautiful greenway that links Lickinghole Basin/ Western Ridge to WestHall/Crozet Park. The whole thing is walkable, but we are still working on finalizing the easements before we can build bridges across the 4 small stream crossings. While parts of this trail are well-established (closest to Lickinghole Basin), there is still a lot of work to be done and walkers will need to be cautious during hunting season, as there are still hunters who use the area adjacent to the trail to the south.

Please join this fun and informative trail walk this Saturday. We will meet at 8:30am at the Western Ridge Clubhouse.Please wear something bright yellow, orange, red, or pink. Please make sure you “dress” your dogs accordingly as well.  We will discuss how much time folks have to walk and figure out if we should run a shuttle so we can just walk one-way. If you have any questions, feel free to call me 434-989-4681.