September 2010

Crozet Trails Crew
September 9, 2010
Crozet Mudhouse
In chronological order:
Grayrock on Saturday:
Dan and Jessica will meet at Mint Springs at 7:30 to gather additional materials and timbers. Jessica will bring flags. We will all meet at Grayrock at 8am to begin work. Please carpool- parking is limited.

We will lay out the steps using flags and then begin diggingin and installing the timbers from the base of the upper run. Gravel will be on site to be used as backfill.

Dan, please bring the printed sign (15″x15″). Jim, please bring your fancy sandwich board, if it is ready for its debut.

Listen to NPR on Thursday, Septemeber 16th:
All day will be sponsored by the CTC and so we will be mentioned 5-6 times during the day. Fame.

Fireman’s parade on September 18th:
Please come march with us! I will send out more information the week before the parade, but for now, plan on meeting at Crozet Park at 3pm. We will have a banner, some tools, and some snazzy “business” cards to hand out to interested parties. If the flier is done by then, super. Alex wrote a song, but I don’t know if we will have it in time. Dan mentioned bringing a Gator as well, which I quickly shot down, but perhaps it would be a good prop, and would provide a way for some folks to join us, even if they don’t want to (or can’t) walk the whole route. You win, Dan.

Booth at the Crozet Music Festival- October 1-3-
We will have a small informational booth at the festival. See festival schedule:

We need volunteers to “man” the booth. I suggest 2-3 hour segments. I have emailed the festival director for more information about how the volunteer admittance will be handled.

The festival will run Friday 1-9pm, Saturday 12-10pm, and Sunday 12-8pm. Please let me know what time you’d like. Don’t worry, I will send out a more formal request later (to the Big Crew), but if you have a preference now, let me know. We will need fliers and a large workable map for this event.

Next CTC meeting, Monday, October 11th-

We didn’t talk about this, but it was on the agenda. I’d like to request that we hold the meeting earlier in the week than it would normally be. I will not be able to attend a Thursday meeting that week. Please let me know if there are conflicts.

WAHS 9th grader workday, Wednesday, October 13, 9:30-11:30am-

This will take place at Mint Springs Park. The group of 40-60 students will be split into three groups for trail work. It has the potential to feel like trying to herd frogs in a wheelbarrel. Tucker and Mark will arrange a walk-about at Mint Springs prior to the workday so that any interested Crew members can get a sense of what we will be doing and this will also be an opportunity to get ideas for future CTC workdays.

CROZET TRAILS DAY, Saturday October 16th (the third Saturday of the month)-

The CCA approved the resolution to make the third Saturday of October Crozet Trails Day. Ann Malleck of the Board of Supervisors said that she’d be happy to present the resolution to the borad as well.

No plans have been made yet for October 16th. Any suggestions?

Cubscout workday, Sunday, October 17th-
This will likely take place at Mint Springs and will include some bucket work to fill low spots in a trail. More info later. Brandon is coordinating.

Marketing Issues:
Once we get a donation/ sponsorship system set up with the CCA, we will be able to offer tax deductions to people and businesses. I am working with Tim Tolson to get this established.

In the meantime, we could use some sponsors for the production of the banner, business cards, fliers, and potentially t-shirts. We can offer to put the sponsor logos on the item (good marketing for the sponsor!) but we cannot give then an “official” receipt for their donation until the account gets established. I suggest keeping the sponsoship reqests close to home, so to speak. Let’s wait until everything is in place to approach businesses that we are not personally involved with.

We are waiting to hear form a few potential sponsors for the banner and business cards. These will go to print early next week.

We need to discuss T-shirt design (with sponsor logos vs. without. Maybe 2 different shirts? Where do we get them made?) before we accept sponsorships for them.

We will also set up a PayPal link on the blog once the account gets established. Dan J. will help coordinate this highly technical effort.