Minutes from July Meeting

Crozet Trails Crew
Monthly Meeting
Thursday, July 12th, 2012
Trailside Coffee, Crozet, VA
-Introductions: Charles, Bob D., Jessica, Dan, Linda, Janet, Bob S., Aaron, Jo-ann (treasurer)
-Action Item updates:
1) Dan to send kiosk and bench plans to Scott and Aaron (Eagle Scout)… Dan M. will need to sign off on it.  Might want to contact him ahead of time.  This will tie in to our tree-planting project at the park.  Use trees to define the route and shade areas.  Committee for that project will meet at 8PM on July 18th at the park.  October 21st is the CTDay when planting will happen.
2) Jessica to divide trail network into sections for maintenance adoption (walk it once a month and report back re: litter, trees down, erosion, creek crossings, etc. can do light work while out there if you want):
                        Beaver Creek- Henley Hornets Trail—Charles
                        Old Trail- Lindy Bain Loop east side—(soccer field to road) Bob D
                        Old Trail- Lindy Bain Loop west side—(golf course side) Bob S
                        Westhall- red house to creek—Linda
                        Westhall to Western Ridge- Westhall to detention basin—(someone not at meeting)
                        Westhall to Western Ridge- Detention basin to Joseph Taylor Bridge—Jan & Pat
Westhall to Western Ridge- Joseph Taylor Bridge to end of Fairwinds Lane—Jessica
                        Crozet Park- Woodsy loop—(Jessica will ask Scott)
Others? like Greyrock—Residents maintain it, we hope.
3) Jessica to see if Red Eye Seamus wants to play at CTDay this year. I emailed them and never heard back. I think we need to investigate other bands. If anyone knows a band let Jessica know. Dan M will talk to his son.
4) Set up CTDay 5k registration. Done! We are live!
1) Joseph Taylor bridge- July 14th– footings, bridge?  Footings going in this Saturday + detailed measurements taken.  (Bridge to be built at Scott’s and then dismantled and reconstructed at site.) (Plaque might state is age… need to confirm what it is.  Construction of the plaque will be done as a test case for using new Earth-friendly materials; if one doesn’t work, they’ll re-do it, all cost-free.)
2) Extensive trail clean up! Mint Springs?  Once we check our trails and report back, we’ll have a better sense of what needs to be done. Dan M said maintenance needed at Mint Springs.
3) Old Trail condition? Prepare for October. B & B will check this soon and report back.
1) What is happening to our new trail in Old Trail?? Jessica received a lot of emails about this.  We re-routed a new trail and bulldozers came in and dug a big hole, but it was in the plan a long time ago, it’s a detention basin or even better, a bio-filter with a decent entry, etc.  Dan M. in contact with them. (Old owners of OT were willing to dedicate to the county more land for trails in addition to already-commited soccer field area.  But the new owners are more interested in building out to numbers they were allowed, and not so keen on giving space away for green space.  But a local investor is interested in trails and making it a part of this development. Bob D is talking with him, and directing him to Jessica and Dan M..  But we need to make sure we have a good opening for the 5k trail for CTDay; like no plans for rose bushes etc.
2) CTDay tree planting at Crozet Park (See above “Action Items #1.) Types of trees have yet to be determined, depending on nurseries / state programs / tree farm associations (Jo-ann) / etc and what they’re willing to donate—shade trees and not teeny saplings.
3) CTDay 5k- need help? Committees? Going well, registration up and working.  Do Janet and Scott need help?  In what form?  Tell us and we’ll plug in.  (Sunday, October 21st… would be better on a Saturday, so next year we’ll re-evaluate for 2013.)  Calendar announcement can go on all race calendars (Cville Track Club, etc).
-1) 250 CTDay 2012 stickers!! Printed for the parade, which was cancelled.  So we’ll hold back about 60 and use them at CTDay as a momento. We could also put them on counters of runner-centric businesses like Blue Ridge Mtn Sports, Waynesboro, etc.  Maybe add “5k” to the stickers?
-2) CTC Party! This Saturday!!!!  12 – 15 yesses, and maybe more w/ spouse and kids.  Bring a dish, chairs, no desserts and drinks. (All of this info is on evite.)
-3) Coordination calls = phone bill overages. Who’s on AT&T? Jessica needs to know who she can call for free.
Next workday:  July 14th– bridge footing?, July 28th- bridge building at Scott’s? August 4th? Both Saturday.
Next Meeting: August 15th ****note this is the third Wednesday instead of the second Thursday****