Trailside Coffee, Crozet
Thursday, July 14th, 2011
6:00 pm-7:30 pm
- Agenda Review (Jessica Mauzy)
- Introductions if new people are present (Name, interest in the Trails Group)
- Updates from “Action Items” from last meeting
-None were recorded.
Discussion of Building (Labor) activities:
- Greenway trail options/ 5k run route
- Bridge across Lickinghole Creek
- Trail at Cory Farms?
- Maintenance of Henley Hornets Trails/ Scout workday?
- Work at Byrom Park
Discussion of Planning (Logistics) activities:
- Crozet Trails Day- Overview of what was discussed at the committee meeting on June 30th– outstanding questions, next meeting
- Good work at Parade and Festival booth
- Scouts and school groups? Where do we stand?
- Group walk/run of the Old Trail 5k route?
- Community outreach volunteer! Needed!
- Next Group meeting – Thursday, August 11th (Jessica Mauzy)
- Next workday- Saturday July 16th (Byrom) and 23rd (TBD)