March 2011


Trailside Coffee, Crozet
Thursday, March 10th, 2011
6:00 pm-8:00 pm

  • Agenda Review (Jessica M.)
  • Introductions
    Jessica Mauzy
    John Painter
    Scott Hilles
    Chris Leverette
    Dan Jordan
    Mike Gallagher
    Angela Li
    David Oxford
    Dan Mahon
    Tom Guterbock
  • New Website: Angela Li (9th Grader at Western HS- Independent Study to design a website for CTC)
    – maps, pics, etc. + easier to put PAYpal
    – will be made with
    – we can qualify for free domain since we are a non-profit
    -$10/ year for the name (probably )
  • Updates from “Action Items” from last meeting *
    * Mike G- met with Western HS PTO – made good connections, enthusiastic reception, received suggestions of others to get connected with (teams/clubs/organizations) within the school
    Brownsville PTO – less enthusiastic about bike/walk to school due to safety and distance issues
    Chief of Police is interested in partnering
    Crozet Elementary PTO meeting is next week
    ACCT?? – look into contacting with respect to liability and partnering; bike rodeo
    – IDEA: designated pedestrian bus driver that picks up kids along the way to school

GOOD NEWS: new trail to be built in Old Trail by developer. It will then be given to the County. From Jarmans Gap Road, through the site for Western Park, across Lickinghole Creek, to the schools. Compacted/crushed stone/rock. County is asking CTC to care for/maintain it. Should be built in the next several weeks.

  • Discussion of Building (Labor) activities:
    -where to build a bridge connector across Lickinghole Creek to Cory Farms – have Eagle Scouts help us; CTC should publicize this bridge and a boardwalk as what fundraisers (5k run,etc) $$ is going to build – community connectors!!!
    Look into Clover Lawn Shopping Center & Harris Teeter pay for connector bridge???
    -Still need to get more information about easement locations and dedications before we can start clearing trail between West Hall and Western Ridge.
  • Discussion of Planning (Logistics) activities:
    -CTC Trails day in October – have different locations (merchants) around Crozet that are connected through our trails / sidewalks
    -CTC run event (5k)
    -May be a good idea to write a support letter to Stonehouse- suggesting that if they do a survey and perfume the first steps, CTC will clear an interim trail until they build the official greenway trail, bridge, and trail signs.

April 9 – 1st Annual Kite Flying Day at Old Trail

This weekend (10AM Sunday morning meet at Trailside Coffee):

Gray Rock – decide how to finish our project in May; hope to get more Gray Rock community involved!

Look around Lickinghole Creek to see impact of water

Action Items (For April):

Dan M.- meet with Cory Farms HOA to discuss trail
Scott H.- Investigate local Scout Troops for partnering options
Jessica M.- Work with Angela on the website
Jessica M.-Work with Leslie on the T-shirt design, begin looking for sponsors
Mike G.- Other PTO meetings, contact ACCT?
Jessica M.- contact Grayrock HOA and organize a workday
Jessica M.- Give more fliers to Mike G.