June 11th

From Tucker Rollins with Albemarle County Parks and Recreation:

Hi everyone,
We’ve cut the ribbon at Preddy Creek Trails Park so we would like to celebrate. 
We are hosting a “Preddy Creek Trail Park Day” on Saturday June 11th from 9am-12noon.  We would like to invite you and your organization to come out to the park and set up a display table, host a guided mountain bike ride, take a group on a nature walk, equestrian group trail ride, etc.   The purpose of the event is to meet other trail users in the community and to show off your group to the community (possibly building membership). 
Please RSVP me to let me know if you can make it and what activities you could possibly lead or ideas about an activity that you’d like to lead.  If you know of other organizations, clubs or groups that may be interested please pass this along.  Thanks and hope to see you out there!
Feel free to contact me or Dan Mahon with any questions.
Tucker J. Rollins
Albemarle County Parks and Recreation
(434)296-5844 office
(434)981-7130 cell