July Meeting Minutes


Thursday, July 14th, 2011

Jessica M., Phil, Tom G., Linda M.(temp secretary), Charles W., Dan J.


Action Items Update:

None were recorded in last month’s minutes.

 Discussion of Building (Labor) activities:

–Byrom Park on 810 north of White Hall: July 16th: working towards the dedication planned for Aug 15th; Tucker Rollins will be at the site; 9AM til noonish.

–Henley Hornets Trails: possibly July 23rd, if scouts can join us.

–Another possibility for July 23rd is a group walk of Old Trail’s dedicated 5k route, with one of the Beights present; group walk of the Western Ridge>Lickinghole Creek>Cory Farms route.

–Trail at Cory Farms: Tom and Charles reported that it’s very do-able now—the creek water is low and its bed is rock, not silt; a 6-8-foot swath is mowed for much of it.

–Bridge at Lickinghole Creek: rock bed good right now; could get more stepping stones from Blue Ridge Builders or donated from other sources.

–Greenway trail options/ 5k run route: Including what was discussed above, we explored getting a one-day easement for behind Crozet Park and Westhall for both the run and the non-auto scavenger/adventure; use streets for part of it; Foothills Crossing has a wide-open area that might serve well as staging / starting spot.

 Discussion of Planning (Logistics) activities:

–Crozet Trails Day: Overview from June 30th meeting: Sat, Oct 15th, 9 – 12 = 5k run from 9 til 10 (Anytime Fitness), Kids Run from 10 – 10:30, booths, raffle tickets; all day = an on your own / not by car Pedestrian Challenge: go to local businesses and get raffle ticket, put your name and contact info on it—one ticket per person per business (Thanks to Phil for dragging us out of the ticket / raffle quagmire!), turn in all tickets by 4PM to designated box(es); we’ll ask if we can have raffle drawing at Starr Hill Brewery at 5PM; businesses / vendors can give money, or merchandise for raffle prizes, or just be open handing out ticket / raffle with store stamp on it; Phil mentioned Lion’s Club list of local businesses for contacting, and Jess has one from Susan ay Albemarle County; stylized map for Pedestrian Challenge being done by Kim and Jessica; Tom suggested we use the CTC logo on markers for the 5k route and various adventure walk trails, maybe at business locations too?

–July 2nd Parade: Good participation, fun, and publicity—2 of today’s meeting attendees were introduced to us via parade presence; next year a marching movement routine?!

–Scouts: (Scott not present; no report available)

–Schools: (Mike not present; no report available)


–Jessica will try to meet with Dan M. next week re: CTDay–police presence for 5-k run, Cory Farm throughway (at least a one-day type for CTDay), etc.

–Jessica will check with Scott re: Scout presence on July 23rd at Hornets trail.

–Phil will ask Mike about a monthly article about CTC in Gazette

–?? will ask Starr Hill Brewery if we can end CTDay there for raffle drawing.

–Jessica to post on CTC website the opportunity for a community outreach person to interface with the Gazette, Jim Duncan’s <realcrozet.com> blog, advertise community events (other duties??).

–Advertise on CTC website the opportunity for people to make calls to local businesses for CTDay participation.

–Jessica- talk to Dan about CTC logo markers.

–Jessica to coordinate with Kim Anderson about Map making



Next Group Meeting: Thursday, August 11th

Next Workday: Saturday, July 16th (Byrom) and 23rd (TBD)