July 2013

CTC Monthly Meeting July 11, 2013, 6 pm
Anna’s Pizza

Jessica, Jo-Ann, Bob, Steve, Teri, Phil, Mary, Tom, Jan, Mike, Stu, Nan, Linda.

–Clear WestHall to Western Ridge Trail:
Mid-week crew went out and then again part of it again, but needs it again. Question about mulch and fabric best to keep it mowed and walked on. No need to have crew out, Steve will get to it and get a key for storage room.

–Mow base of WestHall trail:
Both string trimmer and mower needed, reports are that it’s gotten long, bow saws for pine tree down.

Frame is done, no panel or bench. The Park board needs to come up with the signage, JoAnn agreed. Clear plexi-glass cases that flips up for flyers from baseball, park, CTC, etc. Then one side with a large map. Each group will have a key to the kiosk and manage their own space and advertising.

–Bush whack the 5K route:
Tick central. We need to do it in August/September and then run it ourselves to see what works and what not, etc. Then we’ll do it again in October for the race. Still one property owner holding out, need to ensure no one will sue them if they get hurt on their piece, so they are asking Jessica for all the insurance papers, attorneys OK it, etc. Another owner will bush hog his property, we wish he’d run a swath further for an in-kind deduction (per hour use of equipment and invoice it and then get a check). We can rent a notarized goat for one day for that whole section.

–Highlands: Mary and Jan cut a trail through what they think is common area, and connect Highlands to Western Ridge. Have to walk across RR, but no longer need to walk ALONG the RR. It’s a little camouflaged on the Highlands side but is straight across RR from Western Ridge. From Highlands side, you have to walk through Jessica or Tom’s property.

–JT bridge: no word from Dan yet about when we will anchor it.

–Crozet Trails Crew 5k Trail Run in conjunction with the Fall Crozet A&C Festival. Long name for a race. Just 3 months away!!!! EEEEEKKKKK. See above. Concern is: until we get property easements, we cannot advertise the race.
October 12 at 8 a.m. Jon Andersen the vet / the runner got the special chronomax for the race timing.
Door prizes: See if we have someone on the 250-person email list who knows any of the businesses we plan to ask for donation. Or just find people who are willing to do it, and tell us who they will ask from the list. We need prizes. And we need 20 sponsors for the t-shirt @ $50.
Register for race=$22 or on-site morning registration for $25. Kids run: we might charge a $10 fee and all participants get a prize.

Financial Report:
We basically have about $3000, including $500 donation to our Pay Pal account.

Other Costs:
Adam George won the first 5k race and wanted to name the WestHall bridge (kits have been ordered and delivered to Walnut Creek and test-build one there, then bring one to here). We can take the kit and build it ASAP. They still need to put in the footings and clear the space for it, as per county guidelines. If not ready, we can dedicate the “Best” bridge on path behind park for Adam. We will give Dan a cutoff date, to decide which bridge to dedicate. The 5k trail bridge will either be completed in time, or a temporary bridge will be put in.

Agreed to purchase another string trimmer and 2 spark plugs.

Getting chain saw fixed (Bob).

Buy 2 bulletin boards, one for Peachtree etc and one for us. Each group will have a key to the kiosk and manage their own space and advertising.

Motion sensor light, check with neighbor first. Also clean up the area around it, maybe plant something to spiff it up a bit, window will get fixed.

Marketing for 5k race will cost $500.

Donation to library tourism room. And ask hotel owner to donate to us.

Might be able to ask Bill Schrader at library fundraiser to check back-log and get a CTC leaf with a collective notation ($1000). Linda will check for cutoff for leaves. Or talk to them about the trail form library to Parkside near radio shack/storage shack.

Tunnel Foundation: Bob talked about $750,000 grant for tunnels and trails possibility, and they are asking for our help. Multi-regional effort and land issues, etc. Want to make a documentary and take tunnel barriers out, etc. September 21 is a fundraiser at Veritas. Trail clearing would be in Augusta County on western side… Loppers, etc to widen and clear this. Rails & Trails are involved too, State Historical Society, Clann Morr, UVA, etc…. Lots of interested parties.

Once parking is accomplished, we will work on getting signage, brochures, etc and advertise more. Website too, but needs updating… Anyone who wants to work on the website lease let Jessica know. FB page too! Doing an interactive map on website better idea than paper brochures these days.

Next Workdays:
1) 8:30 THIS Saturday at Foothills Crossing
2) Saturday, 7/27 and 8/3

Next Meeting:
Thursday, August 8th