January 2011


Trailside Coffee, Crozet
Thursday, January 13th, 2011
6:00 pm-7:20 pm

Jessica Mauzy
Dan Jordan
Chris Leverette
David Oxford
Herb Thomas
John O’Connor
Dean Schott
Lynn Gallagher
Mike Gallagher
Jim Harrison
Nana Corley
Buzz Lambert
Scott Hilles

  • Action Items (From December meeting):
    Dan M.- Get more information on the exact route of the Licking Hole Basin- Cory Farms trail. Determine the feasibility of re-routing existing trail away from houses in Western Ridge. Dan M. needs an assistant to help him to flag path along county easements – Thank you to 2 volunteers: Herb T. and John O.- they made plans to go out on Monday afternoon- which got postponed due to weather. Will re-schedule.Dan M.- Send out information about hikes at Byrom Park – working on building access road & parking lot; still working on trails; equestrian & mountain biking allowed. Announcements about the parks progress will come from the County, maybe through Jessica.

    Jessica M- Follow up with Melody about T-shirt options- push to the Feb. meeting

    Jessica M.- Write Thank-you letters to Trailside Coffee, Cavalier Window Cleaning, Blue Ridge Mountain Sports, and ACAC. DONE

    Jessica M.- Get more information on the possibility of having a Crozet Triathlon. No room in schedule to partner with professional Virginia triathlon organization; possibilities to do a trail running race at Mint Springs Park, 5K running race from Crozet Park, and/or duathlon (bike and run). Great publicity event for our group. NEED for committees within our group to research details.

  • Discussion of Building (Labor) activities:
    o Work at Mint Springs Park (status of “the eastern overlook”, other projects)
    Some County staff members have done some work on the Eastern Overlook- they installed a bench. Some tread work still needs to be done.
    o Work on the Crozet Connector Trail (Licking Hole to Cory Farms) (!!)
    Once path is flagged (Monday, Jan 17?)we can meet to walk it as a group on a Saturday morning. There are still several questions as to exactly where the County easement/ ROW is located.
    o Assisting the TNT (Three Notched Trail) efforts?
    C’ville to Crozet – they have permission to begin work on clearing portions of the trail. The Rivanna Trails Foundation has taken on this project. Not sure where the trail will connect to Crozet. Many possibilities – look into service road below dam on Rt.250 side of Licking Hole
  • Discussion of Planning (Logistics) activities:
    o CTC involvement in lobbying for better bike routes/ paths (bike/walk to schools)John Gallagher has offered to spearhead coordination with the local schools. The CTC needs to figure out how we can influence the decision to allow kids to walk or bike to school.o What happened to the grant for sidewalks and a crosswalk at Crozet Elementary?

    Safe Routes to School – $190,000 grant was awarded to the county – it will be advertised for contractors the summer 2011. Need to pinpoint possible safe routes from Crozet schools to neighborhoods – invite principals/PTO for a walking tour.

    o Field-school involvement?

    o Is there a crosswalk downtown? – Have not heard an answer yet. flag idea from D.C. to cross the road – possible vandalism problem

    o T-shirts! Sponsors! And free cups! (Push to Feb. meeting – we have a graphic designer, Leslie, willing to help us)

  • Next steps- next Group meeting – Thursday, February 10th (Jessica Mauzy)
  • Adjourn

Action items for the February meeting:

Jessica M.-Work with Leslie on T-shirt design options
John G.- Contact school officials
Dan M.- Flag the trail corridor- Lickinghole to Cory Farms