April and May in Crozet

Yes, things are greening up out there, and while it makes for a lovely view, it also means that we are transitioning into trail-maintenance-mode. We have one more last-ditch effort to do some pre-spring clearing along the trail at Crozet Park, and then we will start scheduling workdays along the trail system(s).

This Saturday is an all-hands-on-deck workday at Crozet Park. There will be several projects going on, but the CTC will be working to clear mass amounts of weedy, viney vegetation from the area adjacent to the trail near the lower baseball field. The workday is 8am-4pm, but I suspect the Crew will mainly be working 9am-12 or 1pm. If anyone wants to come for a later shift, let me know and we’ll make sure to overlap some. wear long pants and long sleeves. If you know you are going to come, luch is provided if you register here: http://www.crozetpark.org/about-us/volunteering/

The Spring Crozet Arts and Crafts Festival is scheduled for May 10-11— The Crozet Trails Crew has been asked to assist with Friday evening set-up (May 9) and Sunday evening clean up (May 11). Please see if those spots work for you. If not, please sign up for something else; there are many fun options! You can volunteer at Sign-Up Genius www.SignUpGenius.com/go/70A0E48A4AF2EA75-fall/1539193.


Crozet Running is putting on a FREE (yes, you read that right) 5k Trail Run at Mint Springs and have asked the Crozet Trails Crew to support this event by providing volunteers. See the website with registration www.crozetrunning.com/trail5k AND the volunteer sign up http://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C084CAEAB23A4FC1-crozet

See you on the trails!
