Trailside Coffee, Crozet
Thursday, May 12th, 2011
6:00 pm-7:30 pm
- Agenda Review (Jessica Mauzy)
- Introductions if new people are present (Name, interest in the Trails Group)
- Updates from “Action Items” from last meeting *
- Discussion of Building (Labor) activities:
- Grayrock workday- May 15th!!
- Discuss with Cory Farms and Stonehouse about building the Greenway- Dan M.
- Discussion of Planning (Logistics) activities:
- Crozet Trails Day- (committee?) CTC run/bike event (David O., Kim A.)
- July 2nd parade- How do we want to be involved?
- T-shirts- at the printers!!
- CCAC meeting preparation- Next Thursday (May 19th)! Are our ducks in nice little rows?
- Set dates for scout/school group workdays
- Next steps-
- Next Group meeting – Thursday, June 9th (Jessica Mauzy)
- Next workday- Sunday, May 15th
- Adjourn
*Action Items (from April):
Jessica- Finish T-shirt design and work with Crew to get Sponsors
Michael G.- Alert the schools to the change of schedule for the CCAC meeting
Dan M.- Put together a statement for the May 19th meeting, compile “Trail Crime” info sheet
Jessica – Work with Eric W. to inform Grayrock residents about May 15th workday
Dan M.- Talk to Stonehouse, Westhall and Cory Farms about Greenway permission
Dan M., Jessica, Nan- meet at Grayrock to hash out a plan