July 2010

The Mudhouse, Crozet
Thursday, July 8th, 2010
6:00 pm-8:00 pm

  • -Agenda Review (Jessica Mauzy)
  • -Introductions if new people are present (Name, interest in the Trails Group)
  • -Updates from “Action Items” from last meeting *
  • -Discussion of Building (Labor) activities:
    —Status of HEnley Hornets trail and Greyrock Ponds trail
    —Maintaining the Old Trail trails
    —Assisting Eagle Scout candidates?
  • -Discussion of Planning (Logistics) activities:
    —Letter/ resolution writing
    —Converstions with scouts, schools, other
    —Marketing materials
  • -Next steps- informational booth, next group meeting
  • -Adjourn


Dan Mahon
Tucker Rollins
Jessica Mauzy
Alex G.
Jim Moniz
Mark Somers
Buzz Barnett
Brandon Early
Dan Jordan
Bill Mauzy
Duane Zobrist

Building (Labor):
The Henley Hornets Trail has been further cleared and some more of the tread has been leveled. A new temporary 3-log bridge is being constructed at the first stream crossing (needs to be finished).

The trail around the Greyrock ponds and to the Waylands Grant playground has been cleared. There is some erosion that needs to be remediated with steps and intentional drainage ways. This project will hopefully take place in the next month or so with help from the Greyrock neighbrhood.

There will be a more in-depth trail building training session in the fall for all current and new trail builders.

Planning (Logistics):
Dan and Brandon met with Duane Zobrist to discuss possible projects for Eagle scout candidates.

The County has an opportunity to accept a dedication for trail segments in Old Trail. The CTC will write a letter of support for accepting the dedication and to ofer to assist in the maintenance of the trails once they are constructed.

There was discussion about how information should be passed from the community members, through the CTC and to the County.

There will be a more in-depth discussion about the structure of the CTC at a future meeting.

Dan Mahon will write a resolution requesting the adoption of a Crozet Trails Day in the fall. This resolutions will be presented to the CCA, the CCAC, and the Board of Supervisors.

Several logo ideas were presented and after a lengthy discussion a logo was decided upon. Jessica and Bill Mauzy will draw up the logo design and post it to the blog.

Jessica Mauzy and Buzz Barnett will draft a letter to a property owner along the proposed Crozet Connector Trail, asking for an easement.

Action Items (For August meeting):

-Organize a workday for putting in erosion control measures at Greyrock ponds (Dan)
-inform Greyrock and Waylands Grant about upcoming workday (Jessica and Alex)
-Write resolution for a Crozet Trails Day (Dan)
-finalize logo design and distribute (Bill and Jessica)
-Write letter of support for Old Trails trail dedication (Bill and Jessica)
-Continue discussions with Eagle scouts (Dan and Brandon)
-Compose a list of potentail Scout projects AND CTC projects (Dan)
-Write letter to property owner along the proposed Crozet Connector Trail, asking for an easement. (Buzz and Jessica)
-Finish building 3-log bridge at Henley Hornets trail (????)