Agenda- December 9th meeting

Trailside Coffee, Crozet
Thursday, December 9th, 2010
6:00 pm-8:00 pm
· Agenda Review (Jessica Mauzy)
· Introductions if new people are present (Name, interest in the Trails Group)
· Updates from “Action Items” from last meeting *
· Discussion of Building (Labor) activities:
o Work at Mint Springs Park
o Work on the Crozet Connector Trail (Licking Hole to Cory Farms)
· Discussion of Planning (Logistics) activities:
o CTC involvement in lobbying for better bike routes/ paths (Watch Video, talk about RealCrozet blog entry- bike/walk to schools)
o Ideas for marketing campaign?
o Writing The Letter- discuss timing and language
o Crozet Trails Triathlon? (September 2011?)
· Next steps- next Group meeting – Thursday, January 13th (Jessica Mauzy)
· Adjourn
* Action Items (From November meeting):
Dan M.- Send out some talking points regarding the corridor acquisition letter
Chris L.- Gather information about status of bike lanes in Crozet
Jessica M.- Investigate T-shirt options
Jessica M.- Secure a CTC treasurer and send out reimbursement checks