Minutes from March meeting

Crozet Trails Crew
Monthly Meeting
March 6th, 2010
Trailside Coffee, Crozet, VA
-Introductions Jessica, Phil, Linda, Dan, Bob, Scott, Dan M.
-Action Item updates
Jessica will contact Dean Ellison at WR to see if the DEQ followed up w/ the Starr Hill efforts to clean up “Stinky Creek”.  Jess will put this report into the minutes.
–Scouts need dates, and we can give them some; but it might make more sense for them to pick and we work with them (Scott).  Not Eagle Scouts; regular Scouts—Scott will let Dan know when projects will happen, so that Dan can let work foremen know.  Things like benches, path clearing. 
–Nan will let Jessica know who to contact re: Day of Caring in the Fall; Mike could lead a group since his company does that already; maybe Kevin too (Jessica).  We now have our name on the list, and we can have 2 projects separate from Alb Co’s due to Mike and Kevin’s projects with their company teams (possibly bike trail work at Mint Springs).  Possibly open our projects up to Music Today and Starr Hill (clean up that creek).  Dan M will take people down to Pantops; we’ll do this area.   


            – Mint Springs upper upper loop Next step is to get a definitive route that ends at the rock outcrop.  The northern route could go to the fire road and continue, but it’s pretty steep.   The South route down was good.  Do we re-route and make all new alignments?  Can we use the fire road?  Yes, as long as we stay on Alb Co property and it gets complicated at times.  Dan with GPS or CTC do more.  Tucker would join in the next time.  A Field Sch (FS) student wants to do some work but only during the week.  Is there someone who can do that?  Dan said there’s a plan to do work projects during Spring Break.  Jessica will tell FS about this.  Next action = finalize route; join Dan again, and make it to the rock.  Morning event for 3 hours with break at top for packed lunch.  Poison ivy and snakes come in soon, so let’s do it ASAP.
            – Old Trail re-route (4 areas: by the bridges, by the pond, by the Creek, and by the Park) Walked last Sunday and found 4 places that need re-routing.  One or 2 we could do by ourselves (Dan will GPS a rough clearing and flag it to ask OT owners for an adjustment), but the others need to let OT know and possibly use heavy equipment.  Open space could possibly be enlarged .What they initially gave us is pretty tight and pushes public access right up against private property and/or in wetlands and hill.  Bob spoke with Davis G. re: trail from back of retirement home to garden etc.  Dan M.  If we could get the buy-in from a garden club or someone to put in a therapeutic garden, Dan is trained in that.  The pond that is at the end of a steep hill and might be good for a respite w/ benches and a short walk down and out, but not tied in as an integral part of the whole trail.  Can we use the existing boundary of an easement already given to Rivanna Water Authority.  Property owner would still have to sign off on this.  These are steps that Dan must initiate, but if the voice of the community via CTC follows, that’d be very helpful.  That way the board sees that no new funds need to be used to keep it up.  Josh Davis said to Jessica that CTC could do whatever we determine necessary on the school property, as long as Dan M approves it.  He wants us to let schools know just the same.  Next workday = Saturday, March 24th to reroute trailhead at OT Drive and section between there and the Lindy Bane Bridge.  Dan will send Josh Davis notice of this plan.
            – Western Ridge bridge (Tom/Dan) Tom is waiting on a confirmation of price of bollard.  Tom doesn’t need to wait on word from Dan M. re: OK on price (should cost less than $300) and should connect on the deck.  Jessica will send Tom an email and let him know he can go ahead to the board; then we’ll develop items list / purchases; then organize a trail workday and invite the Western Ridge community to join us—one day project.  Then want to create the connection from WR to Parkside Village and to the new library.
            – Byrom workdays April and May, and we’ll avoid CTC workdays on same dates.  Phil was impressed by how much the County had done out there.  Dan attributes that to the  need to accommodate horse trailers.  Same at Preddy creek.


            – Joseph Taylor bridge How big?  How high?  If keep it low profile don’t need handrails etc.  Flood waters will just go over it; then reside.  Cables can tether it in place.  Materials for under $1000.  Span = 17 feet to take up onto banks.  Building head walls would bring it to 16 feet.  Plaque can go on wood section.  Dan has designs that he thinks would work that already have had blanket approval from Brd of Supervisors as long as the Co. engineer approves it.  We’ll advertise its building in The Gazette—summer break.  Dedicate at Trail Day next Fall?  Crib walls on each side and a simple plank bridge.  ACo budget might cover a rough grading between West Hall and Lickinghole Basin.  Also signs and kiosks, esp at schools so that it looks managed and safe.
            – April 14th trail design mini-charette The CV chapter of the VA ASLA is having an event to honor Olmstead.  Local Landscape architects will be invited  to sit down and draw stuff / brainstorm to resolve design challenges at the Pantops trails down behind State Farm.  Jess will send details to the CTC when she gets them.
            – Jarman’s Gap road tree-planting/ Crozet Trails Day 2012 Jess will do pro bono streetscape tree design plan.  VDOT has to approve but should be no contest.  She spoke with the Lion’s Club (Phil and Carl will meet with Jess soon) and they want to get involved too, since they have a goal to plant 1000s this year.  Plastic cylinders can encase small ones.  Not shrubs; just trees to determine species and size and numbers.  VDOTs project ends in Sept and we can start then and do it in conjunction with Crozet Trail Day in Oct.  Keep the 5-K and do community tree-planting.  The 5-K race will need a leader / organizer and Cville Running Co (the sales part is closing but not the race piece) is keen on working with a CTC person on this.  Could do the Pedestrian Challenge in the Spring.  Tree costs could encourage local biz to donate to purchases.  Close the street and have street fair.  Bio-filter will be completed before this.  Scott will consider 5-K leadership.
            – Bridge mural restoration- April (Linda)  First week of April / Spring Break… CTC group thing or just individuals?
            – Mower/ trimmer (Bob)  Can get one for $75 with raised wheels.  Scott has a trimmer that needs refurbishing that we could use.
            – Bridge design standards/ ideas (DanM.) Dan has designs that he thinks would work that already have had blanket approval from Brd of Supervisors as long as the Co. engineer approves it.


Next workday: Saturday, March 24th to reroute trailhead at OT Drive and section between there and the Lindy Bane Bridge.  DanM will send Josh Davis notice of this plan.
Next Meeting: April 12th