Agenda for this Thursday

Trailside Coffee, Crozet
Thursday, April 14th, 2011 6:00 pm-8:00 pm


  • Agenda Review (Jessica Mauzy)
  • Introductions if new people are present (Name, interest in the Trails Group)
  • Updates from “Action Items” from last meeting *
  • Discussion of Building (Labor) activities:
    o Grayrock workday (Eric)
    o Discoveries and next steps for the Lickinghole Greenway
  • Discussion of Planning (Logistics) activities:
    o Crozet Trails Day- (committee?) CTC run/bike event (David O., Kim A.) –WAHS Cross Country coaches?
    o T-shirts- design and sponsors
    o Website unveiled?
    o CCAC meeting preparation- next Thursday!
  • Next steps-
    o Next Group meeting – Thursday, May 12th (Jessica Mauzy)
  • Adjourn ­­­­­


*Action Items (from March):

Dan M.- meet with Cory Farms HOA to discuss trail
Scott H.- Investigate local Scout Troops for partnering options
Jessica M.- Work with Angela on the website
Jessica M.-Work with Leslie on the T-shirt design, begin looking for sponsors
Mike G.- Other PTO meetings, contact ACCT?
Jessica M.- contact Grayrock HOA and organize a workday
Jessica M.- Give more fliers to Mike G.